Call for Paper April 2025: Human-centric approach to Artificial Intelligence
To collect studies and reflections on the potential and risks of artificial intelligence (AI) developments, the journal Quaderni di Comunità. People, Education and Welfare in Society 5.0 is pleased to announce the Call for Paper Human-centric approach to Artificial Intelligence.
The Call intends to stimulate a reflection on challenges and risks in the developments of artificial intelligence, starting from a central question that guides the reasoning on these issues: what are the limits to its environmental and human sustainability? We, therefore, invite the academic community to submit contributions aimed at investigating, from an inter-, multi- and transdisciplinary perspective, the ethical, social, cultural and economic implications for human security related to AI developments and applications, as well as the transformations and impacts on society, in particular on educational institutions, in order to safeguard the freedom and well-being of individuals and communities.
Papers can be submitted only by registering the author on the online portal at the following link:
For abstract submission and for any information about this Call please write to: and for information to the editors:
- Marco Filoni:
- Filippo Maria Giordano:
- Giorgio Grimaldi:
Important deadlines:
- Submission of abstracts: 10 July 2024
- Paper submission: 15 November 2024
More information: