

lawyer and data governance &

Filippo Bianchini, Supreme Court lawyer, graduated from the University of Perugia; in 2006 he founded the Bianchini Law Firm and carries out specialist activities in the sectors of data governance, cybersecurity and new technology law. He obtained a level II Master’s degree in Cybersecurity from the University of Milan, where he also specialized in Data Protection and Data Governance.
He is a member of the Steering Committee of ASSODPO and a fellow of the ISLC – Information Society Law Center.


Esperto di diritto europeo della privacy e della protezione dei dati

Luca Bolognini is President of the Italian Institute for Privacy and Data Enhancement, founded in 2008. Cassation lawyer of the Rome Bar, founding partner of the international law firm ICT Legal Consulting, founding partner of ICTLC SpA and of the cybersecurity firm ICT Cyber ​​Consulting Srl. The Legal 500 Leading Individual Privacy & Data Protection Italy 23 and Chambers Europe Ranked Lawyer 23. He is co-chair of the International Board of Senior Experts of Europrivacy. He is scientific director, with R. Imperiali, of the IUS Privacy Portal of Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre. Ethics advisor for European research and innovation projects. Luca teaches privacy, data law and Artificial Intelligence in numerous master’s degrees and courses at Italian and foreign universities. Over the last 15 years he has published, in Italy and abroad, popular essays for Rubbettino and Corriere della Sera – including “Generazione Selfie” (2014), “Follia Artificiale” (2018), “L’Arte della Privacy” (2021). ) and “Diritto Dipinto” (2023) – and a long series of legal volumes – including, for Giuffrè, the first Italian commentary on the GDPR and the extensive work “Privacy Discipline Code”, directed with Enrico Pelino. In 2023, he edited the volume “Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act” (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre) with Pelino and Scialdone.

Maria Chiara
De Angelis

Ricercatrice post doc, esperta di media education ed etica digitale.

PhD in Social Sciences at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Since 2005 he has been dealing with public ethics, with particular attention to the ethical-public dimension of digital culture and to reflection on the relationship between practical reason, happiness, well-being and virtue in the digital age. He is a research fellow at Link Campus University and a contract professor in the disciplinary sector of Sociology of cultural and communicative processes.

De Stefani

Avvocato, iscritta all'Ordine degli Avvocati di Mantova (ottobre 2001)

Federica De Stefani has specific expertise in new technology law, privacy, contract law and sports law. Master in Data Protection and Data Protection Designer, perfected in Data Protection and Data Governance.

It specializes in:

advanced application strategies of EU Regulation 2016/679.
cybercrime and digital investigations.
Legal Technology.
Big data, artificial intelligence and platforms.

She is an expert in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and author of legal publications. Federica De Stefani is a contract professor teaching digital media law at Link Campus University and at Unicollege, the university institute for linguistic mediators. She was also a member of the Legal Commission of Coni Lombardia for the four-year Olympic period 2021-2024.

De Gregorio

Associate Professor at the Link Campus University of Rome for the "Social Psychology" sector.

His research interests range across different sectors of applied social psychology: from the fields of justice and deviance, to environmental and community psychology, up to the world of sport, all areas in which he has gained solid experience and prestigious collaborations.

He currently works as an honorary judge at the Juvenile Court of Genoa where he follows in particular the projects for testing juvenile offenders and works as an expert psychologist (penitentiary system) at the District Office for External Criminal Executions of Genoa (U.E.P.E. Genoa).


CEO and Research Director of KOYSLab, which deals with the analysis of the impact of innovation policies and strategies.

Francesco worked for about 20 years as a consultant for Technology Transfer. Over the last 15 years he has participated in and organized numerous international committees and boards on ICT, creativity and social innovation. He has been the methodological lead and responsible for building a framework for the application of RRI (responsible research and innovation) principles to ICT research projects, with the support of social sciences and humanities, and is a consultant to the European Commission on issues related to ‘Artificial Intelligence and Big Data applied to socially oriented services.



Currently responsible for cybersecurity in the Exprivia group, he has over 30 years of experience in cybersecurity.
  • From 1997 to 2003 Head of Development – Software Distribution.
  • IBM, 2004 to 2007 Support & Services Manager – Global Response Team – Europe – Tivoli ( Service Management ) IBM, from 2008 to 2015 Sales Manager – Europe – Tivoli ( Service Management ) IBM, from 2008 to 2015 Technical Sales Manager – Security – Europe IBM, from 2018 to 2019 Chief Technology Officer – Security – Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, Israel.
  • Adjunct professor at several universities, inventor, author, blogger and speaker.

Flavia Zorzi

Associate Professor of European Union Law at the Department of Human Sciences of the Link Campus University and Contract Professor of International Law and International Law of the Digital Society at the UNINETTUNO University of Rome.

Coordinator and Project Manager of the Jean Monnet Module “The EU approach to cross-border health threats. Exploring the EU role as a regional and global public health actor” (EUCrossHealth) at Link Campus University (ongoing from October 2023). Since 2019 she has been the author of a six-monthly magazine on cyberspace law in the magazine “Nomos. Current affairs in law” (www.nomos-leattualitaneldiritto.it). He is a member of the teaching staff of the PhD course “Law and economics of digital society”, activated by the UNINETTUNO University.
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