be continued...- New threats and new regulatory references
On 25 October, as part of the ICT security and privacy Friday, was held the event ‘AI…to be continued…- New threats and new regulatory references’ organised by the AIP Puglia Delegation.
During the event, various issues relating to artificial intelligence were addressed, both from a regulatory and legal point of view, as well as from a technical and ethical one.
The meeting, now a fixture of October, dedicated to cybersecurity, represented an important opportunity to present the BUTH-AI project, thanks to the intervention of Prof. De Stefani, lecturer at Link University.
During the presentation, the results of the activities carried out within the project’s Path of Excellence were shared. In addition, several aspects that emerged from the teaching activities and discussions with the participants were explored in depth, offering insights of great interest.
To learn more about the BuTH-AI project: