BuTHAI: Path of Excellence – The use of AI and the practical implications of data protection, cybersecurity and ethical principles
The second module of the Erasmus+ Buth-AI project, Building Trust in Human Centric Artificial Intelligence, will start on February 15th. This module is part of the excellence pathways promoted by the Link Campus University.
The use of AI and the practical implications of data protection, cybersecurity and ethical principles are the interdisciplinary topics covered in this 60-hour course. The course focuses on:
- Legal aspects
- Ethical and social implications
- Connections with data protection and cybersecurity.
The lessons, which require compulsory attendance, will alternate between theoretical modules and practical activities. The practical activities aim to develop projects that can be adapted for both high school and university students, with the aim of increasing awareness on the use of artificial intelligence as a support tool in daily activities, working and academic.
The course covers 35 hours per academic year and is primarily aimed at students enrolled in the L20 Bachelor’s degree program in Innovative Technologies for Digital Communication, while also allowing access to students from other courses and universities.
For further information on the project, please visit: https://buth-ai.unilink.it/
Referring teacher: Prof. Federica De Stefani (f.destefani@unilink.it).
Please also send in copy to: dites.progetti@unilink.it