PCTO Buthai – The human centered approach of the European Union towards the I.A.

The first activity of the Buthai project is starting on Monday, January 22! The PCTO entitled The human-centered approach of the European Union towards the I.AI, aims to introduce students to Artificial Intelligence with a critical approach that places emphasis on the central role of man in design, development and use of AI-based systems. Will be analyzed in particular:

  • The European approach to excellence and trust in AI;
  • Guidelines for reliable AI; 
  • Investment policy and recommendations for reliable AI; 
  • Assessment systems for AI; 
  • Social implication in the use of AI.
  • International sources of examples and regulations of the application of AI.

The lessons will develop over four days and include a combination of sessions in presence and self-employment, at the end of which students will be asked to put  their acquired knowledge into practice in a Hackathon. This initiative not only provides students with an in-depth understanding of AI issues, but also a practical opportunity to apply their skills in a challenging and collaborative context!

For more information about the project: https://buth-ai.unilink.it/ 

Referent teacher: Prof.ssa Stefania Capogna s.capogna@unilink.it

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