PCTO Buthai - The Human-Centred Approach to AI
For this academic year, the PCTO dedicated to second-cycle schools, entitled The Human-Centred Approach to AI, starts on Monday, 13 January. The course aims to introduce students to Artificial Intelligence with a critical approach that emphasises the central role of humans in the design, development and use of AI-based systems. In particular, the following will be analysed:
- The European approach to excellence and trust in AI;
- Guidelines for Trustworthy AI;
- Policy and investment recommendations for trusted AI;
- Evaluation systems for AI;
- societal implications in the use of AI.
- International sources of examples and regulations of AI application
The activities will take place over four days and involve a combination of face-to-face sessions and independent work. At the end of the four days, students will be asked to put their acquired knowledge into practice in a hackathon. This initiative not only provides students with a chance to think critically about AI-related topics but also a practical opportunity to apply their skills in a challenging and collaborative context!
For more information about the project: https://buth-ai.unilink.it/
Click here to download the programme
Contact teacher: Prof. Stefania Capogna s.capogna@unilink.it