Advisory board
Riccardo Botteri
European Interstudies
Riccardo Botteri coordinates university IT systems at the Link Campus University of Rome, where he also holds the position of professor of “Informatics for Education” (SSD INF/01).
He is a member of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Como, where he is also a member of the IT Commission.
From A.A. 14/15 is a contract professor at the Accademia Interstudi Europei (European Interstudies Academy), (Chiasso, CH) for the teaching of “Informatics in the management of public and private health” of the degree course in Physiotherapy (Faculty of Medicine – Universitas Ostraviensis, Czech Republic – Lugano Division, Switzerland).
Stefania Capogna
Coordinatrice e
Project Manager
Stefania Capogna è professoressa associata e responsabile di Comunicazione aziendale presso la Link Campus University in Italia. È inoltre fondatrice e direttrice del Centro di ricerca Tecnologie Digitali, Educazione e Società e della rivista accademica “Quaderni di Comunità”. Persone, istruzione e welfare nella società 5.02.
Le sue ricerche si focalizzano sulle trasformazioni indotte dalla rivoluzione digitale, con due linee di intervento privilegiate:
a) effetti sociali della rivoluzione digitale su persone, organizzazioni e comunità;
b) empowerment delle persone, delle organizzazioni e delle comunità.
Dario Carrera
Researcher in Social Innovation and Impact Economics and Contract Professor in Startups at the Link University of Rome. PhD in Public Administration and Management, thesis title “Creating social entrepreneurs. From civil society movements to social innovation: the role of social enterprise incubators and centers for social innovation”, at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
Co-founder of Impact Hub Milan and Impact Hub Rome for the global network of social innovation spaces Impact Hub. Former member of the Italian Group of Experts for the Social Economy, managed by the Ministry of Welfare and Labour, and in 2012-2013 advisor to the Italian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, as an expert in Social Innovation.
It will contribute to the Jean Monnet module by combining the different academic and professional networks and connecting them to the needs and expectations of the participants.
Giovanni Crisonà
Crisonà is an international consultant on capacity building in the TVET sector, founder and CEO of CSCS Italy and CEO of Abuplus International GMBH Germany. He is a “Skills Evaluator”, certified by the VET Authority of the Tuscany Region, has a professional degree as “Technical Director in Industrial Engineering” and a Master’s degree in Education. He has worked and collaborated in Europe, Africa and Asia with private bodies, governments and agencies, European Commission, ETF European Training Foundation, ITC-ILO, ADB, Millennium Challenge Corporation, regional authorities and industry leaders such as FIAT Automotive, SAS Scandinavian Airlines Systems , Jaguar, Land Rover and other major European organizations.
Giorgio Grimaldi
Giorgio Grimaldi is associate professor of History of International Relations at the Department of Human Sciences of Link Campus University (Rome) where he teaches History of International Relations and History of European Integration. He holds the role of coordinator of the Jean Monnet module “EDCSEU Europartites, democracy and civil society in the European Union” and of the Jean Monnet Teacher Training project Eulink – European Civic Education. He obtained a doctorate in History of federalism and European unity and he participated in various research projects (at the Center for Studies on Federalism in Turin and, as a research fellow, at the University of Turin, the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa and the University of Genoa) mainly concerning the history of integration European Union, federalism and the green parties. He is the author of publications on these topics. He is a member of the editorial committee of the magazine “De Europa – European and Global Studies” published by the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin and of the magazine La citizenship europea online (Lceonline) published by the Center Altiero Spinelli (CeAS) – Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in Rome. He is a member of the scientific committee of CesUE (Centre for studies, training, communication and planning on the European Union and global governance), a spin-off of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
Fabio Masini
Academic coordinator of several Jean Monnet projects (UrEU, 2014-15; EURef, 2019-21; EU2, 2020-22), since 2017 he has been Jean Monnet Chair in European Economic Governance. He is a member of the Triffin International Foundation (RTI), of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET), of the Italian Society of Economists (SIE), of the Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought (AISPE) and of the University Association for European Studies (AUSE).